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Do Dog Anxiety Vests Really Work? Here's What You Need to Know

By Canada Pooch on Jul 14, 2023

Dog anxiety can be a common issue for many pet parents. Fortunately, various solutions are available to help alleviate anxious behaviors in dogs, including anxiety vests. But do these vests really work? In this article, we'll explore the effectiveness of anxiety vests, how they work, and how to select the right one for your pup. 

Understanding Dog Anxiety 

Just like humans, dogs can experience anxiety, a natural stress response. As a pet parent, understanding dog anxiety is crucial in helping our beloved pets cope with the ups and downs of everyday life. Anxiety in dogs can be caused by various factors. 

Common sources of anxiety in dogs 

Some of the most common sources of anxiety in dogs include: 

  • Loud noises: Many dogs become anxious in response to loud noises, such as fireworks, thunderstorms, or even vacuum cleaners. This type of anxiety can be challenging to manage, as some noises are unavoidable. 
  • New environments: Moving to a new home, introducing a new pet, or welcoming a newborn can cause anxiety in dogs. The changes in their environment can make them feel insecure, leading to anxious behaviors. 
  • Medical issues: Pain and discomfort from underlying medical conditions or the aging process can also lead to anxiety in dogs. In these cases, working with a veterinarian to address the health issue is essential. 

Signs and symptoms of anxiety in dogs 

Recognizing the signs of anxiety in dogs is essential for pet parents as it allows them to intervene and help provide support when needed. The following are common signs and symptoms of anxiety in dogs

  • Panting and drooling more than usual 
  • Excessive licking or chewing 
  • Whining or whimpering 
  • Shaking or trembling 
  • Hiding or cowering 
  • Restlessness or pacing 
  • Increased aggression or fear of other dogs or people 
  • Destructive behaviors, such as chewing on furniture or digging 
  • Attempts to escape the environment (jumping fences or digging under them) 
  • Accidents in the house, even in house-trained dogs 

Why We Make Our Anxiety Vests Weighted 

Weighted anxiety vests have gained popularity among pet parents as a non-invasive and potentially effective way to help anxious dogs cope with stress. Weighted anxiety vests can serve as an alternative or a complement to other anxiety treatments, such as behavioral therapy, or calming treats. 

How Do Weighted Anxiety Vests Work? 

Weighted anxiety vests work by applying gentle and constant pressure on a dog's shoulder region. According to the principles of pressure therapy, this gentle pressure helps activate the release of oxytocin and other feel-good hormones like dopamine, to promote relaxation and alleviate stress. This pressure works similarly to how a tight hug or a calming rub on the back can soothe a child or an adult. 

The Science Behind Weighted Anxiety Vests 

While the concept of weighted anxiety vests for dogs might seem relatively new, using weighted pressure to alleviate anxiety and promote relaxation is backed by scientific research. Studies have found that this pressure can help stimulate the release of oxytocin, which can help reduce anxiety and lower heart rate. 

It is essential to note that weighted anxiety vests might not work for every dog or every anxiety-triggering situation. While some dogs might respond well to this type of pressure therapy, others might benefit more from a combination of approaches, such as training, medication, or environmental changes. Pet parents should consult a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to identify the best action for their anxious dog. 

Assessing the Effectiveness of Anxiety Vests 

It is essential to understand that the success of a calming vest can vary from one dog to another. Some dogs may take a while to respond to their anxiety vests. It is best to allow your dog to wear the vest a few times to get accustomed to it, as it may take time for the effects to work.

Factors That Influence the Success of Anxiety Vests 

When considering using an anxiety vest for an anxious dog, it's essential to consider various factors that may influence the vest's success. These factors include the dog's sensitivity, the type of anxiety the dog experiences, and the comfort and fit of the vest. 

Some dogs may be more sensitive to touch and pressure, making them more receptive to the calming effect that anxiety vests provide. Dogs with sensitivities to loud noises may benefit significantly from wearing an anxiety jacket. In contrast, those with generalized anxiety or those fearful of specific objects or situations may require additional support and training alongside the anxiety vest. 

Another factor to consider is the proper sizing and fit of the vest. If the vest is too tight, it may cause discomfort, and if it's too loose, the constant pressure needed to provide the calming effect may be lost. 

Lastly, it's vital for pet parents to set realistic expectations and understand that anxiety vests may not be an all-encompassing solution for their dog's anxiety. In some cases, additional interventions like training, environmental changes, or consultation with a veterinarian or certified trainer may be needed for the best results. 

Selecting the Right Anxiety Vest for Your Dog 

Finding the right anxiety vest for your dog involves understanding your dog's needs, determining the appropriate size and fit, and considering various available options.

Proper sizing and fit 

One of the most critical aspects of selecting the right anxiety vest for your dog is ensuring the proper size and fit. To get the right size, reference our size guide on the Weighted Calming Vest Page. 

Our anxiety vests are adjustable to provide a snug but comfortable fit that offers the gentle pressure needed for a calming effect. When wearing the vest, your dog should be able to move freely without any discomfort or limitations in their range of motion. 

Tips For Introducing The Vest To Your Dog 

Introducing the calming vest to your dog may require patience and a gradual approach, especially if your dog is sensitive or hesitant about new things. Here are some tips for introducing the vest to your dog: 

  • Start by allowing your dog to sniff and investigate the vest. You can place the vest on the floor, encouraging your dog to approach it. Offer praise and treats for positive interaction. 
  • Once your dog is comfortable with the vest's presence, drape it over their back without securing it. This lets them get used to the vest's feel, weight, and texture. 
  • When your dog is comfortable with the vest draped on their back, begin securing the velcro on the vest around your dog’s stomach. Be gentle and patient, and never force the vest on your dog if they display signs of distress. 
  • Lastly, practice wearing the vest during low-stress situations before introducing it in anxiety-inducing scenarios. This helps create a positive association with the vest and ensures your dog is comfortable wearing it when needed. 


Understanding dog anxiety and recognizing its signs and symptoms is crucial for pet parents. Weighted anxiety vests can be a helpful tool in reducing anxiety and stress in some dogs, but it's essential to remember that not every dog will respond the same way to this treatment. Always consult a veterinarian or professional dog trainer to find the best options to help your anxious dog. By working together, pet parents and professionals can help ensure a happier, healthier life for our beloved pups. 

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